藥 物 設 計 及 化 學 生 物 核 心 實 驗 室
In order to solve the health problems that human beings are facing today, our research focuses on the development of novel drugs against several important infectious diseases, genetic diseases, and cancers.
Our major research projects include:
Development of antiviral drugs targeting the nucleocapsid protein against emerging viruses.
Development of anticancer drugs targeting DNA or RNA.
Development of diagnostic tools for genetic diseases associated with unusual DNA structures.
July 2024- Our research paper on 'Targeting DNA junction sites by bis-intercalators induces topological changes with potent
antitumor effects' is accepted in Nucleic Acids Research. Congratulations Prof. Hou and the team!
June 2024- Congratulations Prof. Hou and team for accepting the new manuscript in Nucleic Acids Research.
January 2024- Our new study on targeting protein-protein interaction interfaces for anti-viral drug discovery has been accepted to publish in the Biophysical Journal. Congratulations Prof. Hou and team.
May 2023- Our new study about myotonic dystrophy type 1 causing CUG RNA repeat has been accepted to publish in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Congratulations Prof. Ming-Hon Hou, Prof. Jhih-Wei Chu and our team!
興大人物誌|十年磨一劍 興大侯明宏教授投入抗冠狀病毒藥物開發
2022學術能量專區—生命科學領域教師專訪(中興大學基因體暨生物資訊學研究所 侯明宏教授主講)
|講者|中興大學基因體暨生物資訊學研究所 侯明宏教授
We are happy to share a new website for our upcoming event this year in 2022......
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